Lead Us on Your Path


Jamie Arpin-Ricci, who blogs at A Living Alternative: Our Missional Pilgrimage, has developed a paraphrase of the Lord’s Prayer. Read through it — better yet, pray through it. I find the words fresh and engaging. Let me know if you do, too.

Lord God in whom we are united as one Body, one family, sisters and brothers,
May Your name be made holy by Your Word and by the witness of Your people.
May Your Kingdom be established here and now,
May Your will be our first and most immediate priority, just as it is to the angels above.
Provide for us the essentials for life together and for obedience to You.
Let the gift of Your undeserved grace for us overflow from us onto those who have wronged us.
Lead us on Your path, away from the empty promises and hidden snares of temptation.
Rescue us from every scheme of sin and darkness which would take us from that path.
For you are King, this is Your Kingdom, and we are Your subjects and servants.
All we are, all we have, and all we will do is by Your power and for Your glory alone.
In the past, in the present, and in the future.

I have revised Jamie’s prayer in a few places — actually, very few. You may find the original at the Little Flowers Community website.

Photo credit: “It Is a Long Way” by Massimo Valiani

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4 Responses to “Lead Us on Your Path”

  1. I am glad you appreciated it. Thanks for the shout out!


    • Jamie, I have been following your blog for about four years. I do not know you personally, but I feel that I know your heart. You are an inspiration to me, and I am grateful for your ministry.


  2. Dana Mayfield Says:
    March 17, 2010 at 11:17 am

    Wow! I wonder if I could suggest we use that in Worship? Perhaps I’ll start with a Session meeting, then Bible Study and see where it goes? What a beautiful way to “update” the language for today’s listeners and participants while preserving (what I believe to be) the original intention. Good work, good and faithful servants!

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