Three Things Jesus Freaks Do


“What does it mean to act as if you…actually were Jesus?” Sara Miles asks this question as she talks about her new book, Jesus Freak. “Regular people can be empowered to do Jesus’ work,” she says. For example, she describes the Food Pantry, which she helped to start at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in San Francisco, as a means for those who have been fed, healed, forgiven, and loved, to “go and do likewise.”

Every single thing that the resurrected Lord does on the earth now, he does through our bodies.” ~ Sara Miles

We are, after all, the Body of Christ. What Jesus’ “body” did long ago in Palestine, the Body of Christ (the church) does now in our time. Sara says that there are essentially three things Jesus Freaks do:

  • feed the hungry
  • heal the sick
  • raise the dead

Mike Morrell’s post on Zoecarnate features a brief video (3 minutes, 5 seconds) in which Sara offers an introduction to her book. Another video (length: 1 minute, 43 seconds) is available at Carl McColman’s blog, The Website of Unknowing. One of the things that I learned from listening to Sara is that evangelism is not always directed toward simply getting people to “believe x, y, and z doctrinal points” but toward praxis (the practice of the faith), “so that they would take seriously Jesus’ imperative to do his work, to not be afraid, to pick up, walk this way and do this stuff.”

In his review of Sara’s book at Journey with Jesus, Dan Clendenin writes this: “A Jesus freak, says Miles, is a person who lives as if she or he were Jesus and were filled with his power, who takes his teachings literally, and who acts upon them in simple yet profound ways:  ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you’ (John 20:21). The implication of the incarnation is that ‘a spiritual life is a physical life,’ as in feeding the hungry.”

Bill Dahl says that the stories Sara shares in her book “will rearrange your heart, redirect your feet, empower you with the essential energy and deliver the direction to embrace the leading of God’s Spirit, so eloquently illustrated in this uniquely powerful portrayal.”

Christianity is not an intellectual endeavor. It is not a philosophy. It is a way of life where the heart pumps direction to the hands, mouth and feet.” ~ Bill Dahl

I haven’t read Sara’s book yet, but I plan to do so. Now, as for living out its vision…. That’s something else altogether.

Photo credit: Sandy Austin

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4 Responses to “Three Things Jesus Freaks Do”

  1. I’ve always appreciated the fact that before we were “Christians” we were “People of The Way” – it was about what folks did and how they treated others long before there were doctrines and creeds. When we forget that, when faith becomes just about me and Jesus rather than doing justice then faith is no longer alive. Thanks for the book recommendations Ike!

    • Jennifer, the words of Jesus in John 13:35 come to mind: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples…,” not by the purity of our doctrine but by the love we show. I have just begun to discover, after years of ministry, the priority of praxis. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Monica Hall Says:
    February 20, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    this blog rocks ike…i love it that you are utilizing and publishing your thoughts…it makes you very accessible – as far as your congregants knowing the inner thoughts of one of their spiritual leaders…

    blessings through the lenten season…i pray the broken heart of christ for this world will transform your own brokenness for this world…mj

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